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Retire Your Way: why some seniors are opting out of retirement villages

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As we enter our ‘golden years’, we’re met with a number of decisions about how we want to maintain and nurture our quality of life. Staying independent, keeping up an active lifestyle and enjoying a connected social life are top priorities for many, but it can be hard to know how best to achieve these goals. Retirement villages are often top of mind for people who want a little more support as they get older, but with an average price tag upwards of a million dollars just to buy in, it’s worth assessing other options to see if there’s anything that suits you better.

If you’re considering a smarter, more intentional way to support yourself to a vibrant retirement, opting for private care may be a tempting option. When you only pay for the support you actually require, it’s easier to access a higher quality of care – and you get to remain in the comfort of your own home. For many, this option is actually more economical than buying in to a retirement village-type arrangement. There’s also the fact that when you buy into a retirement community, a portion of that money remains with the village when the house is sold – but when you stay in your own home, that value stays with you and your family.

Offering ultimate flexibility when it comes to level of care, providers like Private Care NZ allow you to adjust and customise the specifics of your care as you go – so you always have access to the support you need, and aren’t paying for the services you don’t require.

Another aspect that can draw some people towards retirement villages is the idea of help being close by at any time of the day or night. While Private Care NZ is well equipped to offer round the clock care for those who really need it, there’s also a more bespoke option offered by one of our partners. For those who don’t need 24/7 care but still want the security of knowing that they can always get help quickly in case of an emergency, a wearable medical alarm button can give you peace of mind at very reasonable rates – and often at no charge at all.

Freedom Medical Alarms offers a personal alarm system that’s directly connected to the Central Emergency Ambulance Communication Centre, and can be fully funded for anyone eligible for the Work and Income NZ (WINZ) Disability Allowance. With the ability to call on emergency triage specialists at any time, plus personalised care from Private Care NZ, it’s possible to enjoy the benefits of a retirement village environment without having to leave your home behind or pay for services you don’t really need.

With all these customisable support options available, you don’t have to default to a retirement that’s not right for you and your lifestyle. Have a no-strings chat with the team at Private Care NZ today: let us know what you need, and we’ll let you know how we can help.

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